Interdisciplinary Artist
Social practice artists: "freely blur the lines among object making, performance, political activism, community organising, environmentalism and investigative journalism, creating a deeply participatory art that often flourishes outside the gallery and museum system" (Lingo, Elizabeth L. and Tepper, Steven J (2013), 'Looking Back, Looking Forward: Arts-Based Careers and Creative Work,' in Work and Occupations 40(4) 337-363.)
Own Projects
The following (selected) projects are self-initiated
Near Future Scenario
Research Project and novel 2005- ongoing
A research-intensive near-future scenario and suburban drama following a the lives of a family living in the Western suburbs. The story follows an intimate and very personal, local and domestic view of the way members of the family cope (or don't) with the upcoming challenges of the end of the oil age. more
Wishes for Wedding
Audio Installation Performance Project
Galerie Wedding,ACROSS MOVEMENT, Berlin 2022
The public spectacle was created from the sound material the artist collected from vox populi interviews with residents and workers in Berlin-Wedding about their wishes for the district. These wishes make up the basis of rhythmic sound pieces to which cyclist acrobats perform a colourful, geometric choreography as a magic ritual.
Performers: Lauren van Vuuren, Bridget Hines, performers from the Spandau Cycling Club; costumes: Sarah Ama Duah
The Future of Transport Bike Tour
performance speech bicycle tour, 2018
2018 Bike performance tour on The Future of Transport from EUREF Campus and back, in association with environmental group Green Buzz. Topic concerned the overarching themes of limited resources, transport modalities, micromobility and public transport.
Alpha's Journey
documented account non-fiction, 2015
The account of a man escaping Gambia during the dictatorship of Yahya Jammeh in a journey that took him across the Sahara, the Medeteranian and up to Berlin.
An audio recording of the story was used by artist Emeka Ogboh in his installation and radio project for the Herbst Salon at Gorki Theater, Berlin 2015
Action Girls
Berlin schools video and sport project, 2010. initiator, trainer, director
Parkour, acrobatics, acting and film with 13-16 year old girls with predominantly Muslim backgrounds in 3 Berlin schools. Resulting in 4 student-devised short films, produced by Platypus Theater, funded by Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung
The aim of the project was to break negative stereotypes of submissive Muslim girls as well as exchanging experience and knowledge and having fun.
Gesamtkunstwerk, performance spectacle 2001
Multi-media interdisciplinary performance: socially critical narrative-based performance piece with dialogue, live music, acrobatics and projections, for eight performers. Initially performed as piece in Rathhaus Schöneberg, then sized up to include surrounding sound, performance and object installation lounge in the Staatsbank, Berlin – the former East German State Bank (self produced with own company: Amazon Productions). PRESS
Documentation for Freelancer on site of production designer (slide and video projections) Eve Hurford (d. 2013)
Work & Support
Performance, text, acrobatics, singing, projections, 2000
Performance pieces for four performers and projections. UndabdiePost 2000 Festival for Young Experimental Art, Berlin.
The performance pieces 'Work' and 'Support' made issue of economic systems and their deeply personal impacts, leading to the performance spectacle 'Freelancer'.